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Thursday, December 08, 2005

Student Guide - Thursday

Firstly, this will be a short entry. I've gotta make sure I get up early tomorrow to do lots of revision for my test. I got to uni for 0900, went to the lab and spent two hours not getting my chip to delay properly. Hassan had no problems with me missing his lecture ^^. I got a nice t-shirt and spent some time chatting to un-talkative people. On one trip between locations I ran into the class I was missing, I obviously laughed at them (and they at me for some reason). Overall it was good fun. The Carol service wasn't as good as I thought, but I do now have 42 mince pies to share with people :)

Laugh of the Day - Nick Savage is the admissions tutor. With the goodie bags he gave out a knoppix cd. This contains a copy of Unix software. When he showed it to me and someone else it pretty much killed the computer. We spent five minutes laughing at him and wondering if it'd kill any others (apparently it'd worked every time before that)