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Saturday, November 12, 2005

I love BBEdit - Friday - 11th of November

I got up nice an late, recently I haven't been getting as much sleep so I figured that now was a good time to snooze. I got in for Tawfik's lecture and learnt absolutely nothing new, next lecture will be similar to this one and I know all of that. My friends and I (that know it all) are considering taking notes in crayons for a joke (there is nothing saying that we CAN'T). After Tawfik's lecture my friends and I crammed some maths for an hour and then turned up to the test room. The test was very hard, I think I did worse than last time (60% last time), though I don't think I failed. After getting back I had dinner with Jack and Briley. After that I spent the rest of the evening finnishing a new look for the WoA website. I also had the presence of mind to check the pages in IE. The following was my response to what happened in IE and IE alone. !!! GAAAAAAAAAAH !!! It was atrocious (a bit like my spelling), I spent the rest of the evening finding a PHP script that worked (dry drunning is so useful) and made stuff show/not show if IE was the browser. The site wont look as nice in IE, then when you factor in that it has an edited CSS it gets worse. I was up until about 2350 trying to get everything working. WoA will now have a news page etc etc.

Lesson of the Day - Dry run everything you can, wait until something is ready before showing it off


Major Look said...

IE sucks - big time!

However, you are correct in making sites work well for IE. Shame really, seeing as MS don't feel they need to be as accomodating in their business philosophy :-(

Teifion said...

I've always hated IE for that reason, ever since I started semi-advanced CSS stuff it's been a pain.