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Sunday, October 30, 2005

Daylight Savings Time - Sunday - 30th of October

I got up at 0830 this morning, I did lie in for a little while. I then had breakfast and took a leisurely cycle into the city center for the church crawl, I got there 20 minutes early, nobody turned up, I guess I misheard them saying which was the last one, I cycled back to halls. I figured I'd go sit in the refectory and use the internet, whereupon I found that I was an hour ahead of everybody else, yeah, I got up at 0730, it was too late to turn up to the church crawl. I had some lunch there and looked for some tickets for a Cliff Richard festival for one of the staff, sadly the only ones left were several hundred pounds (it was only an hour after they went on sale). I also had free cups of hot chocolate. When I went for a loo break I got them to make sure nobody stole the computer (they being trustworthy people and all) and came back with some apple pies, though only one of them had one. I then spent the next several hours browsing various websites while Adobe Acrobat proceeded to 'hammer' an online PHP manual. Hammer is the wrong word, it was downloading stuff at a rate slower than that of a modem, but only just faster than what I'd be able to do by hand (I think). It was also a background task so I could do whatever I wanted, neat. What was really annoying however, was that when I had finally downloaded enough that I could stop it, it took 15 minutes to save the thing to PDF. As I write this in my room, after eating some noodles, it is in the middle of what looks like it'll be an hour long operation to save said PDF to web-page.... (we're assuming there is only one stage for it to process) On the flip side I did get PHP working on the computer today and am slowly but surely learning how AI works, it involves lots and lots of maths, along with some rather tricky puzzles.

Lesson of the Day - Watch out for DST