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Sunday, March 04, 2007

Not the best day going - Sunday

I got up, walked 2 miles in the pouring rain and high winds. Collected a Lady called Tayo and then Siän. On the way to Church my umbrella blew inside-out three times because the wind was so strong and actually snapped one of the spindles when I pointed it at the wind. In addition, I got soaked. Umbrella was binned and I'm not getting a new one. The rest of my day was boring and involved getting wet, getting home and playing on the computer.


Major Look said...

Yep, Umbrella + Wind = No Use.

Just like Beer + Crisps = Weight Gain

Teifion said...

Yeah, Portsmouth is like Wales but with less rain and a lot more wind.

Sammy Davies said...

The above equation is incorrect.

If you are using a rubbish, regular umbrella then yes, you're in trouble. But if use umbrellas in the wind then do a googleweb search of "Gust Buster". They use science to stop them EVER going inside out.

Teifion said...

Wow, they look good. I couldn't find prices on their site but I reckon they're high.

Emz said...

Darrell has one of those funky ones. He let me borrow it walking from the Co-Op carpark to The Cellar one time :D They really work, just be careful though because they like to try and turn you into Mary Poppins...

Oh, and Darell got his free! :P

Major Look said...

Wow - I like the umbrellas but I notice that they are only certified to 55mph. What happens if you go out and the wind is 56mph?

I also notice that there is no wind meter attached to the device - or is this an added extra you get with luxury versions of the gustbuster?

Sammy Davies said...

They aren't that much actually. About 15 quid if you look in the right place.

When you think about how much you spend buying a new regular (rubbish) umbrella, then its fairy-conimy.

Teifion said...

That's pretty impressive, I might have to think about getting one.