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Saturday, March 10, 2007

An improvement

Well, first off, it's not hard to improve over yesterday. Anyhoo, I awoke at 0700 after a fitful night slumber (or not). I flitted in and out of sleep and under normal circumstances don't feel I'd have gotten a very good sleep at all. However, I was wide awake in time for my 0930 interview. Unlike in the last interview, I knew some stuff about HP and managed to think of more past experiences than just Java coursework and WoA. I even managed to use the example of me becoming a Christian! You're probably thinking "this guy is a muppet, trying to tell HP he's a Christian during an interview". Well, in my defense they asked me for a really tough choice I made in the last year, I said that the only choice that was really that tough was my becoming a Christian and that the one before it would be which University to go to. The lady said that I should use the Christian thing, so I explained how I do everything logically and how it applied to that. As with almost anybody I tell the story to, they take one key point home with them. I prayed for free food, or in the case of this lady she remembered it as "you became a Christian because you got free food". It's like saying that soldiers win a war, no they don't. They are the key focal point or "schwerpunkt" as we on WoA say (or people that speak German), the support teams help a lot but yes, soldiers are the key and so was the free food (well, not quite, it was God giving me free food but it can be read either way). At the end of the interview I asked enough questions that we ran out of time, throughout the interview I emphasised my enthusiasm for all things programming and generally being a great part of any team. I think I made a good impression but it's impossible to be sure down a phone. My cold was very well behaved during the interview and I didn't sneeze once. 30 seconds after the call ended I sneezed. For the first half of the day I was pretty ill so didn't have the energy to attend my lectures. In the afternoon after my lectures were over I was better, however, it's not all bad news. The Linked List thing has some vague interface to it and I also created a load of geeky images which are located at You probably won't understand them unless you're a little bit of a geek (okay, you might get the Comment and Syntax Colouring ones).