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Thursday, March 08, 2007

Not a good day at all

I got up nice and early for the 0900 lab that isn't on my timetable because I've not updated it. Myself, Chris, Henry, Gareth and Aaron were ready to start on the group project. All was well until Hassan told us that we had to split the group. You know how students usually leave things until the last minute? Well, we hadn't, we'd done what Hassan told us to of having meetings and planning stuff and that made splitting the group far far worse. Myself and Aaron are with two greek people whom I can barely understand, their academic performance I am yet to find out. That put me in a foul mood (Hassan also had a go at me for something yesterday that I didn't do yet he thought I did so that didn't help). It doesn't help that my cold is a little worse than yesterday. The single ray of sunshine that was my horrible day was that HP phoned and are going to interview me over the phone tomorrow. Yeah, that's the only good thing that happened. After the lab we had a lecture, it was boring. I reckon my mood didn't help but it was boring to me all the same. Gareth and myself went to Tesco and got some food then went home. I spent the rest of the day being unhappy, playing Warcraft 3, WoA and doing no work whatsoever.


Mum said...

Sorry to hear you are feeling low. I hope the interview goes well this morning.
make sure you take some echinacea drops and may be try and get a good night's sleep too.

Emz said...

I hope you feel better soon Teif and that you cheer up soon :) I'll include you in my prayers.

Btw, I'm recovering! :D Thanks for praying :)