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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Practical AND Safe - Monday

I got up in plenty of time for my morning lecture. It wasn't overly useful as Hassan told us that the average mark on the test was 40%, I know that if I get at least 30% I pass the unit and it was never one I thought I'd score highly on. After that I went to Tesco for some food with Chris and Henry. Formal Computing is going to involve the learning of a whole new language and then there was more Digital. There was no Formal this evening, it's an in class test that is on every other week, there will be 5 tests plus a 6th optional one, the best 5 marks will be used to calculate your mark. I'm not quite sure how the 6th is optional if it can give you more marks... The afternoon consisted of setting up PA for the CU, being at CU and then going to the International Cafe thingie. It involved Free Food so I think you can see why I went. Afterwards I not only walked SiƤn home but fixed her smoke alarm, the battery died and it's been beeping every 30 seconds in a very loud manner. The house were so annoyed and angry at it that they threw stuff at it and hit it, not being tall enough to get it down properly. I found it hanging from the ceiling by two wires and after a search got a flat-head screwdriver (okay, I tried several other things first and made sure I was insulated) I unscrewed the connectors. To reach the ceiling in such a comfortable manner I did not use a chair, the ceiling is quite high. Instead I climbed the wall, see, it has a practical use beyond scaring people. Currently I feel a little poorly, Lauren brought back a bug from her break and I'm starting to show symptoms. I doubt I'll make the effort to attend the 0900 lecture tomorrow, it's almost certainly not containing anything of key importance and the two extra hours of lie-in will help me recover.


Major Look said...

Make sure you take the echinachia drops to help build your immune system.

Teifion said...

I did, today I have minor aches over most of my body as if I had done a lot of exercise (nothing compared to the Aches from Britains Toughest Family) and so don't feel up to walking into Uni today. I am however going to be doing work.