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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Free Money and Food! - Wednesday

I got up nice and early, took my time getting ready for the Java lecture and walked at a slightly slower than usual pace next to Gareth. We got to the lecture, I answered questions and then started "work". The day was pretty good, most of it involved talking to people about what I studied and how good the uni was. When I applied I only looked at one other Uni, some of these people looked at three or four and they all seemed really impressed with Portsmouth, particularly with the Problem/Project Based Learning. I had to take a one hour break to attend the SSCC meeting where I made a small contribution of showing support for several thing and having to leave before the two interesting items came up. Ah well, the rest of the day was good as it involved free food and best of all, a few little goodies, specifically 5 Litres of Orange Juice, a double handful of sugar in sachets, enough tea-bags to last me two or three weeks, twenty-ish biscuits and some of those piddly milk carton things. Tom and Richard got some Orange Juice, some sandwiches and I think a few biscuits too. Tom gave me a lift home (it was most appreciated as my bin-bag of stuff was quite heavy), once home I had some dinner and then worked on a UML diagram for the UML project thingie that's due in in (now) just under a week. I also did some WoA stuff (what a surprise).