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Thursday, January 12, 2006

David to the rescue - Thursday

Got up nice and early, I also made myself a packed lunch for today. I got into the lab and began working on the clock. David has found a really neat set of instructions that basically solved our problems and means that we are well on our way to getting very good marks. After that I sat down and talked to Ben for a bit. There was meant to be a cross world conversation between the Custodians of Arl. However WG (I know his real name :P) was not present. We think his excuse of labs is a lie... Hassan's afternoon lecture was interesting, I answered a load of questions (mostly correct too). I caught the bus home with Aaron and then did some web stuff before going to dinner. For those that are un-aware of my amazing C talents, I do not think that I failed, on the contrary, I am thinking that I am one of a few people that's probably stopped marks being raised up. Doubtless someone will figure this out and whinge at me... Some CU members went down the pub this evening and it was okay. Sarah for some reason doesn't want me to get her MSN address. I had it within 30 seconds of getting online, though I'm not going to give it out (that's what she's worried about). I also gave Marisa a scooby string. I'm sorry Cerys, but SiƤn has yet to see me and as such, still has no Scooby String, though Sarah, Lorna and Briley are all hoping to meet you in Febuary.

Rap music when you're trying to sleep As I write this I can hear it (when I pause my music) and know that getting to sleep would normally be an annoyance. However, I now have some neat speakers and have sound-proofed some of the wall so that it doesn't annoy Sam, looks like it isn't so bad after all. Annoyance Factor - 10 (though more like 4 now) Weirdness Factor - 3 (3) Volume Factor - 4 (1) Ease of Creation - 0 (0) Average - 4.25 (2)