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Thursday, November 02, 2006

Time to shine! - Wednesday

First of all, I laughed at Gareth because he had an 0900 start, my meeting thing was at 0930. I left at 0845 to get there for 0915, I somehow got there at 0900, odd, I somehow shaved 10 minutes off an already tight 25 minute walk. Ah well, I sat in the boardroom for half an hour alone but with an internet connection. I even WoAed. When everybody arrived I noticed I was the only student, I think there were meant to be other students but they were not there. Did that bother me? No. Overall most of the meeting didn't concern me, we had a big talk about the website which was re-done and by majority agreement, is rubbish. It was re-written to meet web-standards, unsurprisingly it failed validation so I'm unimpressed. I've emailed the lady incharge but have had no response yet. After the meeting I sat in the Anglesea building and did some programming of "Phil" (yes, that's the name that won). I plan to give similar names to other parts of the database as they're created. I then attended Salem's lecture, he said he'd updated the slides from last week, never actually mentioning that he'd made a mistake. Anyhoo, I then went to the Prayer Lunch. I brought some Toffee Squares as created by my Mum, they went down well. In fact, everybody wants my Mum to make some more in time for my Baptism (19th), my parents are going to come down for it (it was postponed because they were on Holiday last time). Should be fun. After the Prayer Lunch I walked home and did more database stuff, I also did some more of the PHP 2nd Example and thought about what I'd need to do for the Tutorial on it. All in all it was time well spent. At 1915 I met Justin and Ceryn for Christianity Explored training. We went around to Matt's house (he's a member of Solent Church) and we watched the Alpha Course training video (it told us how to deal with small group discussions) and was not only informative but funny. It has been quite cold today but that didn't stop me wearing shorts in the evening, (trousers in the morning because I thought I should look "normal" for the board meeting) apparently I should have been cold. After the video I walked Ceryn home, we had an interesting talk about the muggers and how to deal with them. I got back, found some nice Emails in my inbox (nothing from the person incharge of the Uni website), chatted to some people over MSN, carried on work on Phil the Database. It's not working as well as I'd like (specifically there's one part of one page that just doesn't seem to work). It's most odd but it's also 0042 which may be impeding my ability to program, you never know.