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Friday, October 27, 2006

More productive than Lectures - Friday

I got up, went to my lecture and took some notes. The next lecture was B201. For those that missed last year, B101 (B201 = B101 for year 2) was a complete and utter waste of our time. B201 really does so far appear to be no different. It was a two hour lecture and when the break arrived, 70% of the class (me included), left. I made very good use of the rest of the hour by sitting down with Chris and planning the Java application. I got the bus home with Chris (The timetable said it was Salem lecturing but it was an hour's wait and to be honest, I've had enough of him for a week). Once home I did some WoA, tried some Java stuff out but it wasn't playing nicely so I gave it up and played Halo 2 with Pete. In the evening I played more Halo, had dinner and wrote some more of my Web Design tutorial stuff. Overall quite a quiet day, nothing big going on. Tomorrow I'm getting up at the crack of dawn (0600 or 0630) to get a train to London for the Mac Expo (and likely getting that new Laptop I wanted).