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Sunday, June 04, 2006

Water water everywhere - Sunday

I got up, went to Church. The morning service was about Pentacost and the comming of the Holy Sprit. After the service we went over to the Hackers for lunch. It was very nice, seeing as it is Siän's birthday we were going to have a waterfight. Brierley started it early. We were in the Hacker's garden and as a joke I dripped a little water over Lorna, within 15 seconds Brierly had picked up a jug of water (maybe a litre of water) and thrown the water at me. I was very impressed that she did that and for the first time, had no witty comeback (except to get a jug myself). For the actual water fight I had a slight edge over other people. I gave my water gun to Phil as he didn't have one, for my gun I used my two 2 litre bottles. The problem came when I wanted to refil them, In the end I simply walked into the sea. The end result was that I became very wet, I almost got Jo into the water (I decided that it'd be bad sportsmanship to actually throw her in), Siän + Sarah + Brierley all got very wet. Phil and Steve got a little wet. I walked back to langstone and had a shower (I was drenched in sea-water). The evening service was more about Biblical leadership and how some problems can be solved. After the service I managed to get some photos of Sarah, Lizzie, Siän, Jo, Steve, Andrew, Johnathan Hacker, Tim, The Mitchells, Phil, Brierley and Andrew (another one). They'll be up on a site some time in a few weeks, maybe after I've tried to learn a little photoshop. We sat around afterwards for some singing and prayer. It was quite peaceful and calming. The really intersting thing is that only one person wanted any chocolate! Phil gave me a lift home and we talked about proof of Christianity, he'll be at a BBQ or Picnic or something on Tuesday and I plan to talk to him more about it then. Overall, the thing that's in my mind is that I'm impressed with Brierley, that's the first time a lady has done anything like that to me, we all agreed that if I'd done it to her first they'd all have been shocked, clearly it's something about me (probably my face).