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Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Not the best day - Wednessday

I got up, chatted a little and grogily made my way to the exam. It wasn't the best start to a day that was going to get worse. The exam itself wasn't as nice as I had hoped, however, I think I've passed well enough. After the exam I intended to go to the Prayer Lunch, sadly, through no fault of Sarah, I wasn't informed (my email forwarder wasn't working). This meant that I not only waited around for 15 minutes in the sun, but I also got to walk a long way home because I missed the bus. So far, not the best day ever. It got slightly better when I first logged onto WoA and found that an argument had been settled, then, got a lot lot worse when I found that one of the players has now committed suicide. A lot worse, he's been playing since the start and the sad thing is that nobody saw it comming, he'd posted not that long ago and everything seemed okay then. Somewhat downcast from this news I trudged to dinner and didn't overly enjoy my massive donut, partly because of the WoA thing and partly because I was sitting alone. Hallgroup was at least nice, though, still, that was not as good as usual because of the miserable feeling. To compound it all, I've still got a potato that somebody didn't accept, as such I'm quite confident in saying that this day is the worst since comming to Uni, probably the worst in many years. The only thing that currently is making me smile is my desktop picture. The evening should have been spent packing but I was sorting out what to do to prevent anything like the suicide happening again if I could help it. My parents are picking me up tomorrow and going to be meeting Lorna, Sarah and Brierley. When talking to my Mum on MSN her comment about the picture was "Why has that girl got Her arms around your neck?". Now Lorna and Sarah plan to try embarissing me infront of my parents, Lorna is thinking of trying to kiss me goodbye and Sarah's going to say that I called her a load of horrible names (which I might of, just in jest after she said them first).


Brett Jordan said...

Sorry to hear about the suicide Teifion. Horrid thing... leaves everyone feeling helpless, with so many questions that will never be answered. Thinking of you.

Your ever-luvvin' uncle brett