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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Lie In - Wednessday

I lay in until about 1030, this was bad as I missed the fry-up brakfast in the langstone refectory. In hindsight, that's probably a good thing. I revised a little, WoAed and sort of revised for another exam a bit later (it involved writing PHP and that's what the exam is about). I also did some more reading. In the afternoon I did more PHP and then hall-group. Tonight was about Chapter 4 of James, however as the speaker on Monday had been so good there wasn't an awful lot to discuss as we all understood it quite well. Lorna kept on mentioning me and getting a Lady, I'm not sure why but presumably there's a reason for it. I'm feeling confident for the Exam tomorrow, not stupidly confident (I've got to pass it still, preferably with a good mark) but confident nonetheless.


Anonymous said...

Lorna fancies you.

Give my regards to Southsea.

Teifion said...

Lorna has a Boyfriend ;)