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Thursday, May 11, 2006

Better yet Worse - Thursday

Still a little ill. First thing of the day was my assessment for B122. Myself and David did better than we thought we would, however I need to ensure I do well at the test or I'll have two refferals. Refferals involve me getting a train down here in the summer, yay. I did my washing, read a book and did some WoA stuff during the middle of the day. In the afternoon I helped Aaron and Peter with their PHP and MySQL stuff. My assessment for that is tomorrow and I think I'm going to be okay. CE was sadly not very good tonight as the room was hot, stuffy and I'm a little tired. The thing we talked about was our conscience and how we should listen to it. After CE I felt very tired and quite blocked up with a cold, so I am sitting down and learning how Grep works (it's a text search-and-replace thing).

Currently my computer sees all DVDs you put in as being blank, I have no idea why this is happeneing.


Anonymous said...

Becasue it's a MAC?

Teifion said...

No, I think there's a preference somewhere, not a Mac specific thing. I've seen PCs have similar or worse problems.