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Thursday, March 16, 2006

Woe is me - Thursday

Got up in time for my 0900 lab. It went okay, we're doing well and it looks like we'll manage okay. After the lab I walked back to Langstone in 40 minutes. My shin still hurt a little but it wasn't too bad. Like Graham said, I need to do more walking to exercise the muscle. Getting back I had lunch and did the usual bout of WoA stuff. That evening I went to a B162 tutorial. Misha Filip was going through some questions. Now that I've gone through questions with him it's much easier to understand some of the stuff and hopefully the lectures will be easier to understand. If they are I'll make sure to tell him so. After that lecture I got a load of maths revision in. Chris helped quite a lot and that was really nice of him. After the maths I went to the programming lab. It now turns out that there's almost no need for any programming. There's so little that Peter is doing it all (though he's going to ask me for help if he gets stuck). My job will be to help with the write up. I'm probably also going to write a Neural Network, just over the summer when I've got more time on my hands. After the lab I went to Christianity Explored (CE). It was very interesting and made me think about Heaven and Hell. If I can't disprove the Bible, and therefore can't disprove Jesus' existance and can't disprove that he was the Son of an Omipotent being. I can't disprove his words about Heaven and Hell. Currently I don't believe in any kind of an afterlife, Sam and Lizzie asked me what my thoughts were on it and after a very beif answer along the lines of "I don't believe in anything after death" simply sat looking at me as if expecting me to say more. After CE Sarah gave us a lift home and I got on with math revision for my test tomorrow. The woe is me part of the title is because the 15" wouldn't wake up from sleep and had to be restarted. It needed to install some system updates anyway. Still, 49 or so days of uptime isn't bad for a 5 year old computer.

Don't Add or Take away During the talk in CE I asked a question that's more factual or historical than spiritual. In the closing paragraph of Revelations is says that anybody who adds to or takes away from the book will be in serious trouble. my question, is there any historical evidence of anybody ever adding to or taking away from it? Heck, adding to or taking away from any of the books in the Bible?


Anonymous said...

the bible has been translated so many times since it was written that someone must have added or taken away something. i am unaware of any "serious trouble" occuring due to this

Anonymous said...

ima firm believer that it has been tamopered with and added to etc. The catholic church is such a deceitful and bascially full of crap relgion.. They charged people for forgiveness of sins etc at one time.

They changed it to suit themselevs in many ways im 100% sure off

we as christians hjave to decide what is right and what isnt and deep down ask God if something is right or wrong.. God knows the answers, not the bible.

anyway happy st paddies day dudes and dudets

Brett Jordan said...

Hi Teifion, there is a good (if rather long) article on this

anonymous's view is one of the reasons why Christians believe God gave us the Bible, relying on 'voices in our heads' or even our conscience, is a notoriously unreliable way of finding out what is right and wrong

your ever-luvvin' uncle brett

Anonymous said...

Peter shouldn't be just doing it on his own. We should all be doing certain parts of the program and then it will all come together. Since you already have code, turn some of the code into more meaningful C syntax. Oh and do some planning and design work!!!

Major Look said...

Your shin may be hurting due to a 'shin splint'. This is often caused by insufficient support being given by the shoes you are wearing.

You may need to look at getting a better pair of trainers or shoes - or maybe even start wearing trainers or shoes rather than walking back and forth to Uni in bare feet!

Anonymous said...

The actual project is not just marked according to wether you have an all singing, all dancing program. the marks come from the Planning, Creation, Running, Testing and Evaluation. with apropriate evidence to show certain parts.

Remember we DO NOT need to submit the program with the final report.

Anonymous said...

[Qoute] There's so little that Peter is doing it all (though he's going to ask me for help if he gets stuck). My job will be to help with the write up [/Qoute]

That sounds like quite a harsh personal attack, especially considering the team captain (at the time you) distributed tasks for your team members some of which you had already done!

Anonymous said...

Your view on the afterlife is very important Teif. I suggest you figure it out quickly. Because what you believe after death will affect what you believe about time and that is EXTREMELY important.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you need to sort your team out pretty sharpish, otherwise you might be finding out about the afterlife sooner rather than later. (hint spend less time insulting them and more time talking to them)

Teifion said...

I'll make sure I have a nice friendly chat with my team. Also, for those that clearly didn't realise, Gareth was being sarcastic, he's very good at it but it's hard to make it obvious via text.

How will my idea of the afterlife affect what I think about Time?