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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Potatoes - Monday

I got up and did my laundry while downloading more movie trailers. I've finnaly gotten the second V for Vendetta trailer to download, it's very good. Pirates of the Carrabian also looks good, though not as good as VfV. I also got from Tom a potato. At this point I'd like you, without reading ahead to guess what I'd do with it, specifically a 'who' would be useful, then tell me when you next see me, it'll be interesting to hear. Now, we'll come back to the Potato later, I went to the B122 lecture, the only really intersting thing that happened there was when Rick turned up the lights in the middle of the lecture (we were sitting at the back, there's spare light controls there for some reason) and all of the people looked at me (or maybe Rick). After the lecture Peter and myself walked to Tuleys. I handed in some proof of thing that I'd done at Natwest, basically I've gotten everything for the house sorted for now, there'll be more later, but for now, it's all ready. Again, I got off a bus, went to Tesco and got the same bus back, this time without running. My shins were none too happy about it, but, tough cookies on them. Dinner tonight was excellent, I had a sausage roll, chips and gravy. I don't like potatoes and the ammount of ketchup I normally have isn't good for me. Gravy seems like a good idea and tates nice too. Thank you Jack for telling me about it. I left the refectory at 1725, the bus normally leaves at 1535 so I had a cup of hot chocolate in my hand. I am very very glad about the timing that occoured, I just about managed to catch the bus. It turned out that there was only one bus running because one person was off ill and the group that organise the busses hadn't done anything about it. So Dave was not waiting around. Then for surprise number 2, I got to the CU and found that they'd all gotten there at 1500. Clearly they don't need my help. During the singing and talk Steve H and myself were in charge of the lights, it was quite good fun. After the service I played my joke on some people. The joke was that, holding the potato in my hand so that they could see it, I'd go up to a lady that knew what my theory was, and say to them "There's something I've been meaning to ask you for a while, but until now, I've never known what to say". Then I'd pause for three seconds to let them put 1 and 1 together. Then, "What's your favourite colour?". Here are the results of what people did before the 'punchline'. Brierley - Ducked head into coat neck and looked worried Lizzie - Went slightly red and looked alarmed yet expectant Siän - Stunned Silence and look of incomprehension on her face (it took her 2 seconds to see the potato) Joe - Forgot what I meant with the Potato, assumed I was giving her the potato and said "I'd prefer a flower" I'm taking that four person survey to mean that I've no chance with any of them and should never even try to "woo" them. Siän came up with the idea that carving the potato into the shape of a rose would solve the problem and have all the plus sides of a Rose, the Potato AND also be something I'd put time and effort into. Now, despite what you'd think, I can carve a potato into a Rose. The trick is very simple and taken from Dilbert. To carve a rose from a potato, simply remove all parts of the potato that don't look like a rose. How can I fail with advice like that? In the pub I had a talk with Graham and for some reason he advised against using the term "woo". However, Sarah uses the term and has given me 6 very good tips, I'm going with her advice. In the pub we also talked about making catapult-morters. I'm making one with water bombs and aiming at the tower. On the way home myself and Garath leaned around the corners and sung loudly. Basically we for some reason acted as if we were drunk, I blame the bar of chocolate that I shared around and the pint of coke. I think that I should really be careful about how much sugar I take in and use...

Coincidence? I've noticed it already, but tonight really showed it, recently all stuff to do with arriving on time for the CU has really just 'worked'. The timetable of B102 labs and now my B162 labs is really good, it allowed me to get to the two big and important CU events that I had to be there on time for. Tonight I managed to catch the bus, 10-20 seconds later and I'd have missed it. I'm wondering if it's more than coincidence.


Major Look said...


I'd say it was far more than coincidence, as your blog quotes "I left the refectory at 1725, the bus normally leaves at 1535 so I had a cup of hot chocolate in my hand. I am very very glad about the timing that occoured, I just about managed to catch the bus."

Now that is Time Travel, not coincidence ;-)

Mum said...

i think most girls would not be impressed with a potato.

If you want to give food then maybe strawberries for the healthy option and chocolate for the non-healthy (but you have to find out which sort they like - remember I like Cadbury's)

Anonymous said...

Heya tei, only me

to succeed with the ladies you have to work your way up in their esteem till you are about level with shoes and chocolate (difficult task, must not be underestimated) or the Lady in questions equivalent.

I don't think using the term woo in conversation, particularily with the lady will go down well. It's name of the process, and 'courting' or 'flirting' are more socially acceptable...

Brett Jordan said...

If you want to know more about v for vendetta,visit

better still, beg, browse or borrow a copy of Alan Moore's orginal graphic novel

but AVOID the film cash-in version, by Steve Moore

your ever-luvvin' uncle brett

sparkly shoes said...

woo is a good word, however not always appropriate in front of the ladies (may make you look like you should be galloping around wearing jodphurs and a cravate - you're not colin firth)

Teifion said...

I meant 1735. It's because I now think mostly in 24 hour time and some people that read this won't (by some I mean most).

work your way up in their esteem till you are about level with shoes and chocolate
Please elaborate on this, I thought that most ladies would value shoes and chocolate differently?

Brett, what's wrong with the film, it looks like it'll be really good.

Anonymous said...

Ti, I do indeed like the word woo, However, I am worried if you have yet failed to notice that I am unrepresentative of the female population as a whole.
I have to agree with 'sparkly shoes' - unless you know the lady rather well, she may think some rather strange things about you. And maybe even get some rather bizarre mental images that might not help your cause (I'm aware that its unlikely that you've seen Sense and Sensibility, but if you find a picture of Alan Rickman in that then you get the idea)

Anonymous said...

They may value them differently, but they would be hard pressed to choose between if offered them in equal value, for the most part

In answer to the main question, if you can get it so the girl thinks

'hmm, it's not shoes or chocolate, but I still like it'

in reference to yourself, then you're probably onto a winner
