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Thursday, February 23, 2006

Why Religion? - Wednessday

The non-religious among you are probably sick and tired of me talking about it. If you want that to change, make a load of non-religious stuff happen in my day and I'll see my way to sorting it out. My day started at 0720 or something, when my music came on at a moderate volume. Lucky I wasn't too tired. Recently however I've been waking up with a burning throat. It's dry, very very dry and I don't know why. I did think that my nose blocked up at night and forced me to open my mouth to breathe, die or shoot snot across the room to clear my airway. Seeing as I'm alive and the walls don't look too bad I think I opened my mouth. So, after gargling water in my throat to re-hydrate it I had a fried breakfast in the refectory, got the bus into the Internet Apps lecture that I missed last week. I'm rather glad that I didn't drag myself out of bed last week, I didn't miss much. However, this week's lecture served a very very useful purpose, it woke me up a little for the nice, two hours of math type stuff in an area I'm not good at. Data communications are not my strong point and Misha Filip draws too fast for Omni-Graffle (computer program) or my hand to keep up with. Any attempt at writing just words will provide me with no real notes. I even tried writing some XML in the hope it'd provide a nice structured set of notes, but no. Then, suddenly I hit upon an awsome idea, I could record him. That didn't work either. This week I also sat down the front, it helped me a lot. I also find it easier to ask stuff when at the front, helps me to ignore the people that I don't care about (anybody that'd give me a dirty look, think less of me, heckle and so on). After the lecture I went to see Rinat. Turns out I got a high mark for my presentation (what a surprise). I then explained some stuff about AI to some people. Turns out someone assumed that because I was going for a very complicated AI everyone had to. Now, I've no problem with that, it'd cut the chaff from the wheat pretty fast, but it'd also mean a lot of people fail so I think it's overall a bad idea. After that I had an excellent free lunch (it was great, thank you to the Ladies that cooked it) and an interesting talk. It was about why is Christianity the correct religion. I don't know enough about other religions to actually comment there. However, I feel I can comment on my reasons for people going with Religion in general. 1) They give people a group to belong to 2) They teach good morals, most people wish to live good lives 3) They promise stuff, like an afterlife I won't go into detail but I don't believe in an afterlife, I lead a goodish life as it is but I do like the social side of the CU. They're a group of really nice people and if you look closely, I spend a similar ammount of time with CU related stuff as I do with WoA related stuff. Now, I've got to get up at 0900 tomorrow for a 2 hour lab, then 5 or so hours of being paid to walk slowly and eat food. After that I've got some maths and programming, then some more free food and some stuff about Christianity.

Fact of the day (is it Random or is it not?) I've cleaned up my desk (the rooms itself is now a mess, Brierley will back me up there) and put the speaker directly behind the laptop, pointing at my bed. This allows me to get maximum bass into my head while not harming the person below me. Sam is okay with it too, I haven't heard any whacking of shoes on the wall at all (he said he couldn't be bothered to get out of bed, the wuss).


Anonymous said...

You may want to add that people also choose religion as a way to fill that void in their lives that we all seek to fill. It's there, and everyone fills it with something. Most people choose religion, others choose money, and still others choose something entirely different.

Teifion said...

I felt that the void that you mentioned was sort of covered by all three points, but I can see that it could also be a 4th one. Still, those are the three main reasons (by my thinking)

Anonymous said...

I suppose religion does promise stuff, howver, its not false promises.
you could join any society in uni or a job to belong to a 'group' with ease.
most people are gnerally good, it is rare to find someone that prides themselves on being 'not good' so most people have reasonable morals, not neccarily through church (there are lot of non-christian aid agencys out there as well, for example)
many religions promise an afterlife.. that isn't neccarily a seeling point for any religion really.
however, christianity does promis unconditional love, which is rare in the world and also forgiveness for everything.
everything!! thats a lot of stuff, some of it we cannot even remember, but you can trust fully that God knows.

Anonymous said...

ps - sorry about the length of the post.

Anonymous said...

What music do you like ?

Brett Jordan said...

Hi Teifion

Finished 'God's Debris'. It started better than it finished. Uses popular philosophical (platonic) style arguments, so the questions are good, but the answers are poor, often using premises that were rejected earlier! e.g. One minute it is saying science is useless, the next moment it is using it as a foundation.

Some nice thoughts though, and I think that Adams is aware that the questions he is asking are more relevant than the answers he gives.

What did you think of it?

Teifion said...

I like the following bands most.
Coheed and Cambria
Panic! At the Disco
Dc Talk

I thought that God's Debris was very interesting. I'll have to re-read it form a decent opinion as I think I rushed it first time.

Anonymous said...

non religious what?

as nine inch nails said in the song 'heresy':

'god is dead, and no one cares'