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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Long long lab - Monday

I got up and cycled in, was a bit nippy, BUT, I got to use my horn. Some complete moron decided to walk out in front of me and got jumped by the horn. The person behind him was wise enough to NOT walk into my path. The first lab was 3 hours long and a little slow. David and myself were one group and somewhat faster than the others. I would have gone to the lecture but I knew Victor was still on the very very basics and that anything important would be told to me several times. Instead I went to the CU lunchtime talk. I got free food (it was nice, excellent cheffs at the CU) and an interesting talk on suffering. It basically agreed with my thoughts on "Huamns brought it upon themselves" but included God into the equation. After the talk there was another 3 hours of Lab. We were trying to fit stuff onto a PCB, it's very hard but just the sort of thing I'd have spent HOURS on when I was 10 years younger. Thanks to some skill (or maybe luck) on David's side we finnished early enough that I got back for dinner. Dinner was quite fun. Jack has been having someone text him as a prank, and we basically took the mickey out of him pretty well. After dinner I grabbed the laptop and also, "Teifion's big thing". It's not rude, it's a MASSIVE tiger teddybear. Many thanks to Dan for giving it to me after finding it on the roadside (I washed it). It caused a lot of interest, and at the end of the talk I offered it to people. Only Sarah accepted it and calls it "Teigarion". I left the pub early (Dan was losing very slowly at Chess) and headed back to halls. Most of my time was then spent discussing Christianity with Richard. It boiled down to the point that he believes Jesus was both God and a Man. This logically means that as God he is infinite, yet as a man is not. You cannot be both, it's one or the other. In the end it came down to a matter of faith. Richard has faith that what he believes in is true, I don't have faith in it and can't see that I ever will. Tomorrow should be good, there's a Jazz and Curry night at the Union (CO2 at 19:00) and it's free (mmm, free dinner), plus the talk should be interesting.

Random fact of the day The best way to give out leaflets? Say "Can I interest you in free food?" to people as they walk past, they almost always take the leaflet and look at it (we are giving out free food).


Anonymous said...

jesus was supposed to be god and man... he had powers of god but had the weakness of man.. This was supposed to be because it would allow God to die for us in another form as a man hence jesus!

Brett Jordan said...

'he believes Jesus was both God and a Man. This logically means that as God he is infinite, yet as a man is not. You cannot be both, it's one or the other.'

So, one thing can't exhibit two separate characteristics? I'd give quantum mechanics a wide berth if I were you Teifion :-)

your ever-luvvin' uncle brett

ps: enjoying God's Debris

Anonymous said...

surely if you look at water, it exhibts several different charecteristics, we give it different names (Ice/water/steam) but the molucles are the same.

now, water is a very simple thing, when compared to God.
Whose to say he can't have the same charecterisitics as water, (God/Man/Holy Spirit)

*I hope that got my point across.. in an undertandable way*

PS - been menaing to ask you Tie, have you managed to ask anyone their testimony yet?

Anonymous said...

tef, whats the catch on the free food?!

Teifion said...

I'll talk to you about Water and suchlike tonight Deneise. I've managed to forget to, I think I'll do it tonight.

There is no catch, but there will be a small and interesting talk on Chrisitianity, you're free to disagree with the speaker.

Anonymous said...

Tei, you have to remember that God is not bound by our logic and thoughts.
And if God reviels himself to us through his creation, you can use quantom mechanics as proof that one thing can also be something else. (Light for example is both a particle [photon] and a wave [colour spectrum] You might not know exactly how this works, but it does)