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Monday, February 20, 2006

Bumfluff - Sunday

I got up at 0930 and timed the eating of my breakfast to allow some computer gaming before going to see the others and wait for the car. The morning service was about baptism and not really relevent to me. I'm not quite sure what Johnathan was trying to point out (sadly). After church Sarah, Brierlely, Pete, Lizzie, Siän and myself went to a pub and had lunch. I opted for a delicious English breakfast. During dinner we discussed a lot of funny things, but for reasons that'll be shown later, I'm only posting one. Sarah for some reason admitted that she thought people with bumfluff (it's a really sparse beard for those confused) and thoguht they were cute. She's never going to be able to live it down. After the lunch we went back to Langstone, I did some more WoA stuff and computer gaming (Marathon is old but very good). I then cycled to Eastney Church. It was dark so I wore the cool jacket. However, it was also raining and I didn't have gloves. I was SERIOUSLY tempted to shake hands with Lizzie and Siän who were also doing the tea and biscuits this night, but decided not to. After the service I did loads of washing up while Siän dried up (really really slowly) and Lizzie, well, I'm not sure what, we'll just have to assume it was not too rude (never know with these Bristol people). After the tea and coffee (guess who managed to get their hands on the spare bickies?) we sat down and talked. The afternoon service was again interactive and again very good. I'm taking home three very important lessons from it. 1 - You can't see the bigger picture, act accordingly Hamen (the bad guy in the story) couldn't see the bigger picture, none of the people could. But Hamen lost his life because of it. Looking back, this has been proven in my own life and I'm sure it has in yours. 2 - Patience is very very important At the start of the story Hamen was quite patient, he did well out of it. He managed to get the killing of the Jews past the king. However, in the closing chapters he is rash and pays for it with his life. Again, my life echoes this lesson. 3 - Be very careful about how you treat Ladies This I think is important too. If I'm looking for a Girlfriend I need to be careful. And thinking about how I treat the Ladies at the CU, I need to keep in mind that they're not guys that enjoy rough and tumble frizbee. So that's todays lesson, it makes up for yesterday's lack of a random fact (I hope).

Not so Random fact of the day I was told that a joke about my jacket was good (and that the horn IS loud). "I wear this jacket because it's the only way I can say that I look smart" I quite like that one :)


Anonymous said...

ok firstly - u forgot the elastic band thingy!! And secondly - You've taken the whole bumfluff thing completely out of context....!!

Anonymous said...

I don't get it, "During dinner we discussed a lot of funny things, but for reasons that'll be shown later, I'm only posting one." What reasons? For readers who peruse at 3am, you may wish to be more specific.

Teifion said...

I did forget the elastic band thing, I'm very sorry Sarah. The Bumfluff isn't taken out of context, it's right where everyone discussed it.

The reason was number 3 on the list further down the line.

Anonymous said...

can we see a picture of this jacket ??

Teifion said...

If you're an ECE student, I've got a practical in C at 1700 on Thursdays in A2.3

If you're not, you'll just have to wait as I require someone to hold the camera (I can't zoom out enough)