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Friday, February 17, 2006

A little poorley - Thursday

I woke at about 0500 or so with a sore throat. Not good news. But there was no lab in week #1 so I wasn't getting up too early. I got a drink of water and lay in bed, half asleep for the next few hours. I got up and skipped breakfast, wasn't feeling hungry. Gareth and I found the house we were looking for and we're going to go for it. We just need a 4th housemate. Gareth and I tried to find Peter but we couldn't so he'll have to either take our word that it's a good house or go see it himself. This afternoon involved going to the C practical and starting on a card shuffling thingie. Aaron drove in and on the way back pointed out that his rear window ALWAYS mists up, he's no idea why. All of the windows mist up until you wind the windows down. After getting back I cycled into the city. I wore my flash-and-go jacket and looked awsome. I've gotten a battery for my bike horn, you step out in front of me and you get a fright, trust me, it's loud and piercing. I'm just wondering if you can hear it in a car... I got to Abi's house and was told that I needed gloves (sort of) because my hands were too cold. One massive mug of tea soon solved that. We walked to St Luke's and had a nice dinner of Spaghetti and for pudding, chocolate cake. I got seconds :) Today's talk was about Jesus and proving his existance. I have to say that it appears beyond doubt that he does exist and that he was supernatural. Yet for some reason I don't actually feel mentally different about this, maybe it's because I've been brought up in a Christian household? The talk veered completely off Jesus, there was no room for debate on the subject. Instead we gave the leader a hard time with Gensis and timescales. While walking back to Abi and Leanne's house to get my bike we made a lot of jokes at Abi's expense, but she doesn't read the blog so it's all okay. The cycle back was good fun, I got pretty wet (the jacket is very very waterproof and also warm) but a shower and sit down solved that. Now, some very very good news. Charlotte may have found me a housemate, excellent. Also, I'm not feeling so poorly, I ate loads of Garlic bread so will feel less so tomorrow :)

Not so Random fact of the day I thought I'd evaluate the new bike. The new bike is 20 years old (ish) and almost twice as heavy. It's brakes are also not as good as the old bike. It is however very fast. It's got a different seating position and old style (i.e. reliable) gears so I can get some good speed going. Overall, I'm very happy with it and can see myself covering a lot of miles on it.


Major Look said...

I'm glad you like the bike Teifion, and that your cold is not too bad.

Remember that others may not always appreciate the Garlic bread you have eaten the day before - so don't get too close to peoples faces when talking to them!!

Anonymous said...

"Proven beyond doubt that he was supernatural"?

You need to give up on the brainwashing sessions right now Teif. They are getting to you.

Mum said...

so what is the house like? Where is it? etc

Teifion said...

You need to give up on the brainwashing sessions right now Teif.
It's not brainwashing, they're just using very very good methods of explanation. Ones that I grasp naturally (i.e. Logic)

The house is 5 minutes away from Lidl, 20 or less-ish minutes walk from uni (for me). It's got 4 bedrooms, living room, massive hallway and an ample kitchen. I can't remember if it's one or two bathrooms. Plus the landlord is apparently okay.

Anonymous said...

Firstly, it is almost certain that a man named Jesus existed back in around the correct time frame but whether he was the Son of God is what is up for debate. You can't prove he was the SoG otherwise it wouldn't be called a faith.

Secondly, your timescale argument - if it is the one that everyone has (the earth has been proved to have formed over millions of years not one day argument) - is flawed for this reason... the gregorian calendar wasn't invented until long after the beginning of the universe so the way Genesis is told i.e. god created the heavens and the earth and everything in it in 6 days - is just a nice way to put it, it didn't actually happen like that.

Anonymous said...

You can't prove he was the SoG otherwise it wouldn't be called a faith.
Actually, I think you can. In fact, I think faith comes after seeing God work. That may just be me though.

"Proven beyond doubt that he was supernatural"?
Anton, go do some research, and don't just look at secular sources. Or wait, maybe you should because Jesus is mentioned in secular books by historians during that time.

Teif, I would like to hear what you learned. Let me know over MSN some day.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I've done my research AJ. I didn't say Jesus never existed. You're right, there are lots of sources indicating that he did. However, to say that it is proven beyond doubt that he was supernatural is just ridiculous. I'm not trying to deny you or anyone else his/her faith, but there simply is no such proof.

Anonymous said...

god is dead ladies and gentlemen

Anonymous said...

sounds a little Nichese-esque to me that last comment...
And i've never read anything by him that made sense