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Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year - Sunday

Happy New Year blog readers! I got up early today and downloaded more mods. I got a nice phone call from Nana Duck. I feigned not knowing who she was but my Dad's laughter gave it away (and I think she can still recigonise my voice). I blamed my earlier comments on my Dad (he did, honest). I regret not hanging up on her or pretending it was a pizza delivery service in south London... I then re-wrote some pages on my site and did some modding. I spent a lot of time sorting out stuff for my team in WoA (Custodians get teams to keep the game flowing properly and to stop cheaters). For some reason one player seemed intent on winding up the leader of the team in In Character Discussions. The amusing thing is that he doesn't realise.... Oh wait, he reads this too, better not say anymore. I re-did the WoA RPG stuff from yesterday a little. My Gran and Uncle came over for dinner and we had a massive Roast Dinner. It was excellent and I thoughroughly enjoyed it. I did some more stuff with my Team and some more planning for the comme game world. I also talked to some classmates about our project for web design. The day went really fast but I did enjoy it.

Comnputer Fan Humming Computers get hot. So designers put fans in them. PCs are badly designed, so they put noisy fans in them.... Annoyance Factor - 2 Weirdness Factor - 2 Volume Factor - 2 Ease of Creation - 2 Average - 2


Mum said...

After all the fun you've been having I guess the blogs for the next few days will be all about how you have worked hard to complete all your course work?

Teifion said...

I'll post up my plans for the Neural Network today