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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Not many people to talk to - Tuesday

I got up nice and late. After getting up I began work on my new XML thingie. During the day I spent a good bit of time trying to get Javascript to work on the page, but it for some reason, hates me. As such I consider that time semi-wasted. Thanks for the help from Aaron though. For my Internet apps coursework I have to create a personal website and fill it with as many pages as possible, as such I am going to have to put up stories about myself. What sort of stories (all will be true) would you like to hear. I will be putting at least the following classics of my time. Note that I'll also put up 'thoughts' too. - How I won my first computer - In my days... - Why CS:S is a good thing - My greatest, non-family role models I'm guessing that Anton will have something to say about love and making a move, but I'm unsure I want to put that up. At least yet anyway.

Cat snores My cat is amazing, today he slept on my lap for a good 6 out of 7 hours. During that time he snored loud enough that I had to put headphones on to block him out. Annoyance Factor - 4 Weirdness Factor - 10 Volume Factor - 6 Ease of Creation - 6 if you have my cat Average - 6.5


Major Look said...

For stories, how about your time on Britains Toughest Family?
Chris Ryan scared to climb a mast?
How you used to sing the elemental table.

Teifion said...

I try not to slag people off, especially publically so I'll leave Chris in at least a semi-decent light, but they're good stories too.