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Thursday, November 17, 2005

For some reason, very warm - Thursday

I got up nice and early. I had a damp jacket, a quick look at the frost on the grass told me it would be a bad idea to wear it to Uni. I went out in shorts and t-shirt to my bike and there was ice on the saddle. Yes, this is the first time I've ever had that happen. The bike was otherwise fine and there was also no ice on the road. I overtook the bus on a very good stretch of road that allowed me to pass it at about 5mph faster than itself. I used that time to wave at all the people I knew on the bus, some of them waved back :) The lab with Hassan was nothing special. Several people did comment that I was not mentally fit, they were of course ignored. The afternoon lesson with Hassan was good. We told Tom that he couldn't sit by us because we were getting fed up with not being able to hear Hassan. Tom sat at the front and asked a total of approximatly 7 stupid questions. After the lecture I went to the Academic Skills thingy. I talked to a lady called Emma. I'll be having help with not Spelling and Grammar, no, I don't need help there (apparently). Instead, I've had some help with writing shorter scentences, studying, researching (well, will have help) and hopefully some Memory stuff too. I sat down to dinner with Sam and Jack, Sam left soon after Briley and Lorna arrived. Lorna and Briley had a go at me saying something about me having too much sugar. I'd be interested to know if it's really a problem having all that sugar. I do burn off a lot of calories (I think) cycling in several times a day, often in what the weaklings here call 'cold'. After dinner I got some stuff for the Blog Homepage up and running, hopefully you'll like it, there's also a rudimentary Cast Page up with some pictures, Marisa asked to have her picture not put up there.

Interesting Event of the Day - Nobody walked out on my today, I think they're getting wise to my sport