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Monday, November 14, 2005

VANDALS! - Monday - 14th of November

I got in for a dud lecture, I can't actually remmeber what the person talked about (it was really really boring). After that we had a computing test, I think I did quite well, despite the compiler I used throwing me all kinds of wobblies. After the mini-test I cycled back, grabbed a sandwich and got back in time for a Web Apps lab. This lab was a complete waste of time in the sense that I knew all I needed to about it (it was an intro into using Dreamweaver, GoLive is much better). I spent the time using the high speed broadband and chatting to the lecturer. I then went to the lab with me lab partner David and we spent a good two hours managing to achieve very little. On exiting the building I found I had a flat tyre, this time however I had a pump. I pumped it up to see how fast it'd go down, it didn't go down noticably, so I cycled back on it, expecting to have to pump it up several times. I got back, it was still okay, I went to dinner, it was still okay. Someone had let the air out of it ^^ I got to the CU meeting in time to help set up the sound stuff, the room we were in was normally used for clubbing and so reflected sound back inside itself, the speakers there were also very large. After the service we sat in the Union bar and I had two pints of Coke, I've got to stop drinking so much of the stuff so fast. I spent the evening talking to Siån, Chloe and Joe. I then walked back with a lady named Abi/Abbey and Siån. Siån comes from Swansea and for some reason thinks it's warmer than portsmouth, I guess it must be me. After walking the ladies home (I'm a gentleman) I cycled back and went to bed.

Interesting thing of the Day - I now have -another- nickname, a few weeks ago the fire department paid a visit to Langstone for their weekly 'someone set off the fire alarm' trip. Lorna lives on the second floor of her building and I told her what was happennig from the grass outside it. Sarah from the CU hall group got a perpendicular view of it and as such, I got a nickname. Romeo, to be honest, I'm not at all embarrassed about it.


Mum said...

At least they only let the air out and nothing more nasty than a flat tyre ....

glad the test was ok