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Thursday, October 20, 2005

Agggh the Aggro - Thursday - 20th of October

I once again cycled to Uni, I had my first lecture at 1400 but got there for 1200 and saw my Computing teacher (Chi). He's a cracking fellow and managed to get C working on the Mac, he then gave me some web design tips and appears interested in WoA, yeah, I was surprised too, but it seems that he played D&D when he was younger. Interestingly Chi said that they may be interested in using REALBasic to teach people that don't do programming as their main course but should still understand it, heck, I didn't even try very hard to sell it. Chi also saw my Othello game, he said that I should put it on Sourceforge as it is, I'm not sure if he realizes how easy it is to program in REALBasic, however, I think that when I get some sort of better AI working I'll put it up. After chatting to Chi I turned up to my lecture. I think the name is spelt Hassan but I'm not sure. He's an interesting person, I was very very happy I turned up early, anybody that turned up late was told that next time, they shouldn't even come in the door, I thought he was going to kill one person who turned up 20 minutes late without any paper or pens, though his mates said that they had brought his stuff. Hassan also respects those that ask questions and actually pay attention, I think he'll be a very good teacher for me, especially as he takes the area of the course that I like the least. What I like most about Hassan is that apparently he marks based on how much work you do, if you fail the test but know the work, he'll pass you, and of course visa versa, in my opinion, that's what teaching is about. I then cycled back to halls, only to find that again, the 15" was mucking about with the PCMI airport card. I couldn't get it to work using Ben's method, so I cycled back in and a really nice guy called Rob helped me, he showed me there was a reset switch at the back of the computer. When I got back I messed around with C a little bit, wrote some blog and then did some work on the WTM (Something for WoA). For those that are fed up with wondering what WoA is, well, you can find out at feel free to explore the site and forum, feel free to also join in. I had dinner with a guy called Garath on a similar course to me, I then got bogged down trying to get an insertion sort to work on the WTM, so I went down the bar with Dan, Sam, Melanie and Duane. They suggested going bowling tomorrow, I was all up for it until Duane made a reply to me saying 'I'll go on one condition, Duane accepts that I am going to be sarcastic' 'F Off' I abruptly walked out, I was not impressed when he had earlier said that 'Tough Love' was him allowed to hit me and me not able to do anything about it, not being a confrontational person I didn't raise the issue, but this was going to far and I took my leave. I got back, showered and went to bed.

Lesson of the Day - If the PCMI card works, leave it where it is