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Saturday, November 25, 2006

Houseparty Night 1 - Friday

Lectures are boring, I got up on time and attended them. End of story. After my Digital Coms lecture I met Becca outside Harry Law hall and walked her to the Hovercraft terminal as she wasn't sure where it was. Stephanie came some of the way but then had to wait for a friend. The hovercraft trip was bumpy, probably because of the bad weather. Once we got off the Hovercraft we went by road to Crusader House where I started to dump stuff in my room and generally make myself at home (while offering to carry stuff in as people arrived). We played some games, most were rather "different". The funny parts of the games were some things people said. For instance, in one game it involved people moving over and maybe sitting on each other. Lizzie decided that it'd be really funny to insult me (no idea why, must be she's jealous of my legs), Helen was sitting on me so Lizzie made the all time witty comment of "I bet you never thought you'd have a woman sit on your lap". Now, Lizzie missed the fact that some time in the past while playing Honey I love you (I could find the date if push came to shove) she sat on my lap. Now, I simply replied "No, I simply never thought I'd have an attractive lady sit on me". I felt that was quite a good retort :) After games we did some worship (the band were quite loud) and then our speaker gave his first speak? Speach? Speil? WhatDoIPutHere? Shortly after that, Sarah complimented my feet ("they're not too big, not too small, just about right for guys feet"). I thought this was really nice. The fact that I had my laptop to hand meant I could record it in text, moments after the event. Most people then went down to the beach where we spun glow sticks around and I wore sun-glasses to complete the shorts and T-Shirt look. We got back, had some hot chocolate. Languages Jo (she was the one bragging about frisbees wednesday, we'll have a picture up soon) told us how Young British Men are cute while Old ones are not. She then elaborated that Older French Men are attractive while the Young ones are not. I blogged and went to bed.