Well, the earlier night and moving of the volume control paid off. Of course, it would pay off today as it was the one day of the week I had an 1100 start rather than an 0900 start. Still, I'll keep using it and report on the success. My 1100 lab went fairly well, not as well as last week but still, we made some solid progress. Afterwards we (myself and Chris) made a short trip to Tesco for lunch and then went to a three hour lab on Digital Comms. Suffice to say it's not our strong point and we were really happy with an 8/10 for the lab (on a side note, guessed what I prayed for on my way to uni...). After the lab we went home, I browsed the internet, ate a pasta/tuna mix and watched Moonraker. After that I WoAed, wrote some WoA pages for my possible teams for next world. Specifically I'm re-doing two of them and making a completely new one. I finished both the re-doos but didn't start on the new nation. If I don't blog tomorrow, it's because I'm on the Isle of Wight and the internet connection that was there last year isn't there this year. Don't expect a massively wordy blog either, I'll likely just upload 20 or so pictures and stick captions on them, better yet, I might get someone else to write the captions. Either way, it'll likely not be up to the normal standards you're so used to viewing. I also think I need some sort of a title like "CU Escort Man" or somesuch thing. I'm constantly walking ladies home (that's not a bad thing, it's nice to help people and reassuring to know they're safe) and showing them the way to places. Tomorrow I'll be showing Becca the way to the hovercraft terminal (hey, I've not a vast amount to do instead and it's not actually that much of a detour). |
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Not so free (or attractive) - Thursday
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perhaps not "escort man" it might give the wrong impression :-)
Well, I'm hardly calling myself "escort boy" :P
Yeah, I know what you mean :)
I was thinking of the "escort" bit ......
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