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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A most interesting day - Monday

Firstly, I went to my Java lab, nothing special there. Though the guy sitting next to me (Ryan) bragged how he had 500 lines of source code while I had 200. The key difference being his had over 100 errors and mine had none. After Java I had Formal Computing where I came very close to falling asleep! After Formal Computing I bought some food for the house and went home. At home I talked to Katharine over Skype while performing some WoA house-keeping tasks. I later collected the PA stuff with Sarah. It occoured to us as we were getting the stuff that Steve Haskew is a bit of a wuss. Sarah carried more stuff than he does (she even had a try at Mr Hefty but wisely decided not to carry him). We got the PA stuff to CU and Steve arrived not too long afterwards. Steve promptly panicked because though there were all the Uni speakers, we had no cables for them. We managed to bodge something together and it worked quite well enough for me, I get the feeling Steve wasn't impressed. Ah well. We didn't have a speaker this week, instead there was a lot more singing, prayer and both myself and Emma gave short Testimonys. Emma was baptised yesterday but I didn't find out until too late where. After the meeting myself and Sarah took the sound stuff back to Immanual Church and then went to the Pub. At the pub I discovered that Becca and Katharine very much liked Chocolate and that when combined with Jo and Hannah it could vanish quite fast. Still, there's only so much I can eat. Rob (though it might be Ross, I can never remember) and myself played many silly games with the ladies, including but not limited to me complimenting one half of them and insulting the other half and Rob reversing that role. After the pub, myself and Justin walked Becky to the Gosport ferry and then walked home ourselves, it was quite a distance but it was worth it, there were a lot of drunks around and about. I'm doing better than yesterday, I have a whole eight hours until my Java lecture, plus it's not compulsory and after the lecture there's a two hour gap. I'm tempted to lie in...