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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Exam! - Wednesday

Up early for my 0900 Java lecture. No problems there, in fact, it got better. I talked to Ioannis after the lecture and told him that if he wanted me to answer all questions I was quite happy to, the reason most of them slip by me is that I just assume them to be obvious to everybody, apparently so do most of the class. I think that some of the class are able to understand the concepts really well, the rest just don't care and it's quite frankly. Pathetic. After the lecture I did some revision for my exam. The exam itself wasn't too bad and I feel I got most of it correct. I'm sure that with time I'll soon find out that I got 50% or less (I just tend to feel good about most things). I managed to get to the Prayer Lunch in 7 minutes, not bad considering that most people would take 15. To be fair, my shins were aching quite a lot when I got there and I had to point my toes towards myself to avoid getting cramp while sitting down. I left the Prayer Lunch early for Christianity Explored, sadly nobody turned up so we're going to postpone it for some time in the future. I now had some time free, however, I for some reason felt a wee bit lethargic and so didn't do a vast ammount. I think I might have been tired. In the evening we had fireworks at Cosham! I got the train there along with everybody else and it was really good fun. IBM pays for the fireworks and they're let off very near to their head office. They were very impressive and I got the distinct feeling that IBM spent quite a lot of money on them. I thought that was very nice of them. I didn't go on any rides but followed a group of Ladies around (okay, there were some guys too) and made sure they didn't all get split up. I really had nothing much else to do. At some point there was a fight somewhere between what we suspect were two gangs of chavs. The police escorted them away and a HUGE crowd followed. I got the train home, walked India and her housemates home (they live round the corner from me) and we watched Hitch. It was very funny and I enjoyed it quite a lot.


Anonymous said...

The fireworks were great!
sorry we lost you Tie as soon as we stepped off the train at cosham.

What time did you leave in the end?

Teifion said...

We left at about 2045 (I think)

Anonymous said...

"I talked to Ioannis after the lecture and told him that if he wanted me to answer all questions I was quite happy to, the reason most of them slip by me is that I just assume them to be obvious to everybody, apparently so do most of the class. I think that some of the class are able to understand the concepts really well, the rest just don't care and it's quite frankly. Pathetic."

no wonder half the fucking class hate you when you make statements like that. twat.

Teifion said...

Are you in the part that hates me or the part that doesn't? And if you hate me, surely it can't be very interesting to read my blog?

Anonymous said...

anonymous, I highly doubt that half the class even read his blog, so how on Earth would they know what he says?

You obviously do know him, and don't appear to like him very much. Usually, when people don't like somebody else, they don't bother leaving anonymous comments on their blogs...

And if you don't like it maybe you should do something about it,if the statement is indeed true, and if it applies to you. You know, like learning what you're meant to and then answering questions. So then you're not in the group the statement is directed at. Works a treat :D

And when somebody does not actually care about what they're meant to be learning in a subject that they chose to study themselves is, indeed, rather pathetic. I fail to see how it isn't.

And like Teifion said, if you hate him, why are you even bothering to read his blog?

Teifion said...

It's my Dashingly Good Looks.

Anonymous said...

At least you're more popular than Robin Hood!