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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

My first attempt at spot cream - Tuesday

Of course I've tried spot cream before, it's just a good title for today. Plus it's the title of today's story. Teifion's First attempt at using Spot Cream Around the start of my second year of sixth form it dawned on me that it might be nice to get a Girlfriend. For some reason this thought struck me much later than it appeared to have struck my classmates. Unlike many books say, I did not suddenly notice girls everywhere, I happen to be observent when I want to be. Suffice to say I was very spotty then, I'm still a little now, but it's much better. My Mum being the helpful person that she is found something that was meant to be quite good. It was a packet of cloths and you'd wipe them over your face, spots would go soon and you'd look awsome. Well, I've serious doubts that the last thing would come true but, no pain, no gain. I applied the cloth on wednessday morning. Wednessday afternoon we had some sort of presentation thing, I thought I did pretty well, even if I did talk a little fast. After the presentation thingie I had psychology. For whatever reason, there were I think 3 Boys in a class of 15 (one of the Boys left a bit later or had already). For those unsure of Wales, the rest were in fact, Girls. After a while they managed to ask why my face was so red. I was puzzled, surely my face was not red, for I hadn't been embarissed all day. One of them commented that I looked sunburnt. We paid no further heed to it (I wasn't getting embarissed at all) and I went home. My Mum also commented on it, she also asked if I had washed my face after using the cloth. I had to apply skin moisturiser to my face for the next week before it looked better. Everybody had thought (to my annoyance) that I was embarissed to give the presentation that Wednessday. As a side note, the spots didn't vanish.

Balloons rubbing together Get two balloons, rub them together. End of 'how to make' section. Annoyance Factor - 10 Weirdness Factor - 6 Volume Factor - 5 Ease of Creation - 9 Average - 7.5