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Thursday, December 15, 2005

The Clock Counts! - Thursday

I woke up at 0720. This was as planned, what was not planned was snoozing. I re-awoke at about 0800, my plan had been to be in the refectory 15 minutes earlier. Shower, dressing and packing of bag took a whole 8 minutes, I managed to rush an extra large lunch and get the bus. David had done some great work during some of his free-time, the clock now counted. Over the two hours we took it from counting on one digit, to counting on all of them and flickering horribly, almost counting how we want it to. We now just need to fiddle with the numbers and we've got it almost all done. My job over the holidays is to document the code so that we get a bajillion marks for it. I got a book out of the library on SQL, I'm assuming that it's rather similar to MySQL. The database I have uses MySQL. The bus ride back was interesting as Jack and Graham sat just behind me. We saw a mechanic that looked drunk and discussed stupid subjects, such as B101. During my break I had nothing to eat at all, I'm going over Andrew's later and he's cooking dinner so I'm saving myself for that. I talked to a wacky Swedish guy over MSN and he kept on telling me to 'make a move'. The problem is, all of the girls that I've met don't seem to like me that much. Anton, the Swede, was very unimpressed when I told him this, but, tough cookies to him. Hassan's afternoon lecture was interesting and I'm glad I did attend it. I consulted Google Maps for Beatrice Road Portsmouth and found out how to get to Andrew's house. Shortly before leaving I got a call from Sarah saying that they were all going down the pub at 1930. After that I missed the bus faffing about with a couple of things, that meant a nice long walk. Half an hour later I got to Andrew's house. We talked about christianity, it was good talking to Andrew because I know him well enough that I felt fine telling him what I truely felt about Christianity and Religion in general. After the discussion we made dinner. Their kitchen was disgusting. I had stern words with all of them while cleaning up. My missing lunch was an excellent plan, it meant I could eat a whole half of my dinner before I felt full. Andrew, Steve and Colin like their food. After dinner I walked down to the pub. I got there at 1940 and found nobody, that I knew, there. I went to the library to wait for the bus and read about Viruses (computer ones). I sat and chatted to Jack on the bus home. The driver was wearing his santa outfit, I'll have it online soon. Once I got back I took a picture of the driver and got a call from Sarah. She was wondering where I was. Apparently Richard Priddy, yes, the weird looking guy on the cast page, saw me walk in and out while looking for Sarah. I can only assume that being a bit weird it must be hard to get up and yell down a street. Just so you know, Richard made some snide comments on the phone while I was talking. I sat down and did some modding of my phpBB forum before going to bed. As promised however, I have a list of coursework I'll be doing over the christmas period.

  • B101 - Presentation
  • B103 - Revision on Diffrentiation
  • B121 - Comment Code, Make diagrams and revise
  • B141 - Mess around with C code
  • B161 - Revise
  • B143Make a personal website
I should be able to get the coursework side of stuff out of the way before christmas, thus leaving post christmas for revision.
Annoying Noise of the Day Oooboooboo. The Oobooboo noise is created by making a constant 'OO' sound. That is, the 'oo' you get in Ooze. You then move the palm of your hand closer to and away from your mouth, thus creating the noise. Annoyance Factor - 8 if given time Weirdness Factor - 6 Volume Factor - 10 Ease of Creation - 7 Average - 7.75


Mum said...

you are coming back to Wales on Saturday and you have not mentioned how much you are looking forward to seeing your family again ... I am most hurt :) :)

Teifion said...

There's probably a reason I forgot to mention it, when I find out what it is I'll let you know.

Teifion said...

'Priddy is not weird looking, hes lovely. so there.'

Briley, Sarah or Lorna?

Teifion said...

I'm guessing by the style of writing it's Sarah, or possibly deneez

Teifion said...

Deneez, but I first thought it'd be Sarah