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Sunday, March 11, 2007

An improvement (who else is noticing the pattern?)

I awoke early and had no cough. It came back shortly after waking up. Now, some people might know of my policy on other people and colds, for those that don't it is "if you can get up to prepare food, you are well enough to come to church". Actually, that's not been my policy until now, but that's roughly what it's been. I got up, washed and had food. I was clearly well enough to go to Church, and logically, well enough to walk Becca, Luke, Siän and Ceryn there. I didn't say a vast amount on the way, mostly talking to Siän while the other three talked very loudly (okay, just Ceryn was loud). I was absent for most of the service, helping with Discovers. I had been a bit worried about my cough affecting my ability to help but trusted God to be with me and He was. After the service I ran around with a young boy who I think is about 3-6 years old. It was really really good fun and reminded me of when I first went to church all those years ago. After church we went to our usual eating location and sat outside, it being a nice sunny day and all. It was actually very windy and the cold air did my cold no good at all. By the end of the meal I was feeling very unwell and very thankfully Sarah was giving Ceryn a lift to the station so was able to drop me home, it's most appreciated Sarah. So, what would I do now? Well, I played some Warcraft 3, did some WoA, watched Borat and then played some more Warcraft 3, specifically DotA. Today's DotA was awesome. Gareth, Coel and myself played. Gareth had a guy that shot blobs of stuff that slowed people down, Coel had one that created a load of illusions of himself. Both of those two dealt fair amounts of damage, so, to support my team I chose a whopping great tree. My guy could turn people invisible, see random places on the map and heal people. Somehow I managed to get more hero kills than either of them :D The best bit however was that our sole opponent (it started as 2v3 then his ally left and he wanted to try his luck) kept going for Gareth. We have Gareth trained well, as soon as he was attacked, he fled like a wuss, the opponent chased and in short order myself and Coel would be there, normally I'd already be there for support anyway. It was so funny to hear Gareth yelling "Run Away!" downstairs as I saw it happen infront of me :) I didn't go to church as my cold is still rather bad and the cold air would really have aggrivated it a lot. I hope to attend next week, I also hope that my cold doesn't stop me from going to CU tomorrow.


Sammy Davies said...

I have to say teif, that this new format is making it very difficult for me to read your blog. any chance of another change? Or does it just get a spruce once a year?

Teifion said...

I am quite able to change it right away, what part is making it hard to read?

Emz said...

I don't have a clue what's going on with my computer but it seems I can only get to blogger at night. Very strange to say the least....

I can also read your blog pretty well, it's in black and white - can't get any simpler really.

Sammy Davies said...

I think its the "narrow" Font & the black on white makes it hard to read to. Its not easy to separate the outside to the actual blog bit