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Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I got up an the cough was mostly gone. I did some WoA stuff and some other programming themed things. I walked into Uni with Gareth, went to the lecture, got lunch, went to another lecture, went to yet another lecture and then attended a test. The test was cancelled and postponed until Friday at 0900 due to the password for the test page not being known. Means more time for some revision :) I got back and played some DotA with Gareth and Pete. It was a good game where Pete learnt more about the game, once he's learnt about several more areas it'll be good to play online with him alongside myself, Coel and Gareth. If we get Ryo playing at the same time then we can play a full game and start to use some interesting strategies. Specifically the favourite of myself and Ryo, the 5 man push. The principle of DotA is to help your men get to their base, there are 3 paths to the opponents base. Normally you spread your heroes out over the lanes to gather the most money and experience (which makes your hero more powerful). The 5 man push tactic is that all 5 of us start in one lane and move as fast as we can. We'd all choose heroes that are specifically good at taking down the major obstacles in the way of pushing and hopefully win the game so fast that the opponents simply won't realise the plan fast enough to stop us. My cough is a lot better but not cured, as such I didn't go to CU tonight, instead doing a load of WoA stuff.