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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Bleugh - Tuesday

I spent the day doing far less revision than I should have or even wanted to. I don't feel any better and for some reason feel worse. For the most part you'd not notice it in me, I just feel down and as if recovering from hearing someone close to me died (which to my knowledge nobody close to me died recently). I'm annoyed because there's no logical reason for this. Emma suggested I was homesick, I don't think this is the case but I'll see my parents tomorrow so you never know.


Brett Jordan said...

I've been to your home. I very much doubt you're homesick.

Your ever-luvvin' uncle brett

Anonymous said...

Hey Ty, just to add, keep going through times when you feel down. That's the thing with depressed feelings - there's often no specific reason for them, they just come and go. But I've found that although it doesn't feel like it at the time, it's normally the harder times when your faith grows stronger the most. Take care, seeya soon :-)jo