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Monday, May 15, 2006

Mystery Guest - Monday

I got up rather early to go to a prayer meeting at 0830, then went back to langstone. I slept a bit and then did some WoA stuff. After that I went into Uni, went to the lecture and then went over to Huw's to do the Podcast. This week on the podcast we had a "special" guest. She agreed to come on the podcast on the terms that we'd each buy her a drink, fair price to pay methinks. The confusion of the people that have already heard it was excellent. After the Podcast I played Halo 2 with Huw and then we went and bought a very very expensive dinner. We each had 4 sausage rolls, a litre of Fizzy Peach Water and 5 donuts. It cost each of us about 90p. CU tonight was a little empty and as usual we went down the pub afterwards. I played two games of chess against Greg, he's very good at chess and both games were very very challanging. After that I walked Jo home and then walked the rest of the way back myself (and beat the bus). There I did more WoA stuff and then went to bed.

Lady + Podcast
If you're interested in find out if we really really did get a lady onto the podcast, well, it's hosted at here. If you download it (16 meg) and fastforwards to about 14.20 minutes.