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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What to write about?

Well, today I went to see my tutor and learn about networking. I then went home, did a load of Java coursework and went to party. At said party, Sarah said that yesterdays blog was naff as it was all about programming. So, what could I write about? I don't want to write about my day unless it was really really interesting. Hmm, tricky one huh? Well, I turn to my list of suggested topics and find that nobody has suggested anything, I think this could be in part my fault for not asking for suggestions. Suggestions are welcome, tell me what you'd like my view on. I do however, have a topic, I will be doing more than dodging the point. For those that know me, I'm rather competitive. The common misconception is that I am competitive at all things, not quite, I am competitive at things I think I have a shot at winning, I could be wrong, but that's how I see myself. I believe it's possible to win anything, if I don't know how to win it, it's because I've not spent enough time thinking about it. Today, I would like to explore how you can "win" at a party. First off, Games! They key thing inherent in party games is that they're normally a little silly. We played two main games today, one where you write the name of a famous person on a post-it note and stick it to someone, they then have to guess who they are by asking questions which people can only answer yes or no to. The trick there is simple, know a lot of people, know the people that your post-it-ee would think of and narrow it down. I'm not very good at that and lost horribly. "Honey I Love you" is much easier for me. The principle of the game is that whoever is on, sits on the lap of someone and says to them "Honey if you love me, won't you smile?". The person who is not on (who is also being sat on) then replies "Honey I love but I just can't smile". If they smile as they do this, they are now on, otherwise the person who is currently on, stays on and moves onto the next person. The first person to sit on me was I believe a lady called Amelia (ever so sorry if I've misspelt that. It's a well realised fact that there are ways to make someone more likely to laugh, modifying the words slightly can produce good results, Amelia decided that stroking my hair would be a good start. Of course, she completely forgot to factor in the complete lack of pride in me playing these games. I stroked her hair, modified my words and didn't even smile a little bit. Suddenly everybody thought it'd be really hard to get me on. The next person to make an attempt was Lizzie. I'm not completely sure why Lizzie did, she knows that I'm not going to smile and likes to win, maybe she thought that beating me would make the victory that much better? Who knows and really, why would I care? When all her attempts to stroke my hair, stroke my face (maybe I just have a very strokable face?) failed to make me laugh she even tried to tickle me, but it was more of a crippling jab than a tickle so it failed horribly. It should be noted that when I tried to stroke her hair, she moved back fast. A big mistake, it helped a lot in not smiling. Note again the complete lack of pride in playing the game, if you don't care what people are doing/saying, you don't care about the outcome and can keep a blank face. The third person to sit on me was Graham. Sadly at the last moment I let out a very very slight smile. Graham weighs slightly more than either Amelia or Lizzie, however, I don't think that's what did it. Graham was wearing a massive ginger wig, I don't think that did it. So, why did Graham manage to make me laugh? I believe it's because rather than getting freaked out like the two ladies when I stroked his hair, he simply laughed and smiled. Amelia and Lizzie had pride (silly silly them) and as such didn't give out any sort of humorous "vibes" as it were, Graham obviously did. So, to win at party games, have no pride. Care not for what people think of you and what people are doing. If you do that your chance of winning is massively increased. Remember that earlier I mentioned "winning" a party? Well, after the games, some people went home, some didn't. Those that didn't stayed in a single room (we had been split into two) and several mini-conversations sprung up. After listening to Jo, Sarah and Brierley talk about Languages and placement in France and/or Spain, I asked them if they'd like to hear a funny story. I told the one about Cocoa Butter vs Spots and then after a nearby conversation got dragged into ours because our group were laughing so much, I told the one where I first tried using a spot-wipe. Both of the stories caused quite a few people to laugh. They both laughed at someone, someone doing something very silly (though they didn't realise at the time) and both had negative outcomes for the person. If you look at it that way, it seems kind of mean doesn't it? Well, I was the person being laughed at and I was telling the story. I'm sure there was a certain element of story telling involved but both were under 3 minutes long. Incidentally I also proved I could lick my big toe, the bad news is that my shoe was in the way, everybody did of course think that was horrible, forgetting completely that I know where the upper-side of my shoe has been. So, to win a party, have no pride. I hope that was informative and funny, I hope to relate a funny story about Lorna, Lizzie or both because apparently they only read my blog on days that I meet them, assuming that'd be the only time I ever say anything funny about them. I'm sure we'll soon find out how true that is ;)