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Friday, March 30, 2007

How to "deal with" a Gullible person

This event happened last year. I should probably set the scene, I was in my room making a Cardboard Othello Board Game for one of the Children at Church. I'd specifically acquired cardboard for it (for free of course) and planned how to best make it. It was a saturday and I'd done all the WoA stuff for the day. In halls we had free internal phone calls, Lorna made use of this by phoning me. For some reason, Lorna thought I should be getting a girlfriend and was convinced that I had a crush on several different people in the CU. Did Lorna actually display any sense in who she chose? Not really, she picked the ladies in the CU that were not in langstone yet went to the same church as myself and Lorna. Hello Tei, how are you? I'm pretty well, how are you? I'm bored, what are you doing? I'm making something What are you making? Guess Come on, give me a clue Okay, it's made out of cardboard You're making a card for someone! Now, at this point it did cross my mind that I could just tell Lorna she was wrong, however, Lorna is gullible and leading gullible people around a bit can be most amusing. I really cannot tell you one way or the other Who's it for? I can't say Is it for {insert random name of someone Lorna thinks I might like here}? Maaaaaayyyyyybe! Oooooh, they'll love it I never said it was for {name}, you just assumed it was, anyway, don't you think {different name} is more likely? See how I allowed Lorna to think that it was someone, I never once lied. The key thing when leading a gullible person is to never give anything concrete one way or the other. I didn't confirm or deny anything. Of course, do this too long and they'll catch on and get bored, since I couldn't be having that, I decided to prod Lorna a little. Lorna, have you thought that maybe it's not actually a card for a Lady? Nice try Tei, I know it's for {name} Really? I assume that means you don't want another clue... Ooooh, tell me tell me! Nah, it's okay, you don't want to know, I'm sure it'll be funny tomorrow when you're wrong... No no, I wan't to know, pleeeeease tell me I paused as if thinking, I was of course only deciding on the best thing to say. Can I come and see it? BINGO! No sorry, I'm not rushing it Why? It's a labour of love (sort of true, there's more than one type of love) It's for {so and so} isn't it? After this continued for about an hour, by which time I'd completed a lot more of the board, Lorna had iterated through about three or four ladies several times and was beginning to realise not that I was messing with her, but that I wasn't going to tell her. She hung up. Sarah phoned a minute later. The epilogue to this tale is that the next day I encased the game and pieces in two carrier bags, Lorna, Sarah and Brierley all made some attempt to see them, all failed. Before we went into Church I had to break the news, there's a reason for it. We all think it's for Siän, we're going to go in and tell her! Well, that'd be horrible for Siän, imagine the fright she'd have hearing that she would have to accept a hand made card from Teifion! As I had no desires on Siän or indeed any of the ladies Lorna iterated through, I did tell them and Sarah said "I knew it, I knew it!" I realise that this doesn't have a great lesson in it but I found it funny, it gives you a chance to laugh at lorna and if you're a guy, wonder if the minds of all ladies work like this....


Emz said...

it gives you a chance to laugh at lorna and if you're a guy, wonder if the minds of all ladies work like this....

*Laughs* I've heard that story a few times before but it always stays funny... :P

and if you're a guy, wonder if the minds of all ladies work like this....

Some use reverse psycology :P