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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Not a vast amount to report - Monday

I got up, went to the Java lab, failed to fix the networking problem. Went home and sadly put off some more coursework (the Java thing is irritating because I've done LOADS recently and mostly stuff that other people won't have, yet something most people will have I can't get to work, it's very frustrating). However, it's not all bad. Tomorrow, shortly after my Java lecture I'll be having a phone interview with HP, they called me today in the middle of the computing lab which was of course not a problem as Ionnais didn't actually turn up (I was not impressed). This evening I helped Steve with the sound as per usual, went to the pub and then went home.


mum said...

all the best in the interview

Major Look said...

Yes - all the best with HP

See if you can get some free Tomato Ketchup from them.

Brett Jordan said...

Hi Major. Call me a muggle, but why do you think that Harry Potter will give Teifion free tomato sauce? Good luck with the interview Teifion, just remember not to mention Voldemort.

Emz said...

I hope you do well in the interview! All the best :)

Sarah said...

Hee hee hows your elbow??!!

Teifion said...

The interview was missed by myself (I managed to miss two seperate calls in 15 minutes, I'm a little worried) but they've told me they're happy to do it tomorrow (this time at 6pm).

My elbow is fine, thanks for asking...

Major Look said...

Glad they will ring you back - hope it goes well for you.