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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Eugh, it's over at last (well, almost) - Wednesday

Tuesday had a good reason for not getting a blog. I got up and got to my 0900 lecture nice and on time. Ionnais went through a practice test, by "went through" showed the question and didn't help us. In theory this is a great idea as it gives the class a chance to discuss the questions. Of course, theory isn't aware that only 10 people at most were interested in answering questions. I of course gave my say on all of them and learnt something for it. Bad news now, on my way home I somehow missed TWO phone calls, one from HP. I emailed them and they said they'd reschedule it to Wednesday 1800. The rest of the day was spent watching a little American Dad and completing B201 coursework. By the end of the day I was knackered and had a horrible headache. Surprising as it may seem, I awoke today very refreshed with nothing left of the headache from yesterday. There was no Java lecture so I had an extra hour of a lie in (I have a feeling I've not had as much sleep as I should have). I went into Uni, handed in my coursework and then spent a couple of hours working on the Digital project. Chris has been really unwell recently which hasn't helped him in his plan of "do most of the work in the last week". On the plus side I managed to get the C side working and we have done a lot of the work already. He and I are going in two hours early tomorrow to get a headstart seeing as it's being assessed tomorrow. I think we'll be okay. Prayer Lunch was good, next week I'm bringing some food and intend to make Parm - ee - ays, I've got a rough idea of how to make them (it's amazing how fast Java pushes cooking out of my mind). I relaxed this evening then had the phone interview with HP. I don't think I did amazingly well but I did not fluff up in a big way either. We prayed about it at the Prayer Lunch so I know that whatever happens is God's will and I'm not going to worry about it.


Teifion said...

HP just emailed me saying I'm through to the next stage, a Line Manage is going to phone me at some point!

mum said...

let's hope you have figured out how to turn up the ringer on your phone by then :-)

Major Look said...

Excellent news Teifion.

Remember - the bit on the phone that has Nokia written on it - goes at the top. If you remember that, it will make sure you are not using the phone upside down.