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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Problem located and partially solved - Monday

I awoke and made it to my Java lab. It was raining quite a lot for Portsmouth and I got some funny looks about wearing shorts. I returned them by grinning at people's trousers as they sucked up water from the floor and remained sodden throughout the day. On my way home it poured with rain in a very real way, enough rain to be worthy of it being Welsh! I was drenched right through and got home, had a shower and warmed up. It's quite interesting how freezing cold winds will not chill me much when compared to a lot of rain. I didn't do anything very productive after lectures and so decided to have a nap. After the nap I felt a lot better, combined with a suggestion from my ever-nagging but always-helpful Mum I think I need more sleep. Thanks to some advice from Lorna, myself and Becca managed to get to the Cathedral somewhat early, though to be fair to Lorna it did fill up very fast last year. Annoyingly the person I wanted to drag along wasn't on MSN at all today, Katherine, if you're reading this you need to start attending social events, I know where you live! The University Carol service was very good, I particularly enjoyed the choir, they sung half of the songs on their own. As the service was multi-cultural there were some not so traditional hymns, the first one sounded a lot like Therion and it was pretty good, in-fact, I was disappointed at the lack of other hymns like it. However, aside the message and the music, the best part of the evening was that before the service I got a free mince-pie (they offered it to me when I asked for a drink) and also got two candles when everybody else got one. There was a downside to having two candles, I had to hold them both in one hand so I could use my other hand to read the words. This meant that they were slanted in such a way the wax did not drip onto some special plastic holders, instead some of it went onto my leg. Not to worry, it didn't hurt and I can now technically claim I have waxed my legs (well, leg, it only fell on one of them). After the service we went to the Pub where I sort of beat, sort of lost to Phil at Chess, he knocked over his King and claimed that it was an accident... At the pub I also had fun talking to Richard and also Becky, Becky reads my blog and apparently all this stuff about Java is really boring. So I responded by quoting several things she'd said but taking them completely out of context and then sitting on one side of her while Richard sat on the other, then we talked about Java and .net2 (another programming language). After the pub I walked home, plain and simple. I apologise in advance for missing my Java lecture tomorrow, I want to ensure I get enough sleep, I also plan to have an early night tomorrow.