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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Much better - Tuesday

I deliberately missed my Java lecture so as to get more sleep, I didn't get much more sleep but I've been praying for some help and it's currently my bed-time and I've not tired all day. After getting up I tidied my room because the house was being inspected today, I then packed my stuff and went to Uni. After the Software systems lecture I sat down with Chris to complete the last bit of the corusework but my powersupply randomly failed on me. I went to the technicians and asked for some help. First they tested the plug to make sure it'd not come loose at all, then they tried finding out where the current was going missing. In the end they managed to drop the power supply block onto a desk by mistake (it was very short fall) and it worked. They hit it a few more times to "make sure it was fixed" and gave it back to me. I laughed quite a lot about it and it's been fine since. We got some work done before the rest of the lectures, we went to those then went home. Not too long after getting home I went over to Chris' house and we finnished off the work, I went home and went to bed.