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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

PHP and MySQL - Tuesday

I did almost nothing of blogworth today. I got up really early, about 0815 to be partially precise. I had no breakfast (real men don't need breakfast). I spent the rest of the day looking at PHP, MySQL and some WoA stuff. Dinner was a very nice Roast Chickein. And that's it for the day. No funny social activity today and I doubt there will be much tomorrow (see why I like Uni so much? I have so much to do there).

Ummm Yeah, I can't really think of anything cool to go here.


Brett Jordan said...

i guess that confirms what everyone knew already, your uncle isn't a real man :-) if i only had ONE meal in the day, it would be breakfast!

your ever-luvvin' uncle brett

Teifion said...

Bwhahaha, that's a good one :)

Anonymous said...

Chuck Norris has breakfast...