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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Hair Cut - Wednessday

Up early for no breakfast, I had a nice lunch of a Tuna Fish sandwich. During the day I did WoA stuff. We're currently in between worlds on WoA so there's plenty to work on. In the afternoon I had a hair cut and now have very short hair. On MSN later that evening SiƤn from the CU says that she thought my long hair was quite good. Clearly not as she never mentioned it to me (or was just too shy to). I tried to trick her into thinking that my hair was now almost as long as hers, and that was after it was cut. Sadly I think that just confused her rather than tricked her.

Stress Currently I know at least one person that's getting stressed. How do you deal with stress? I just ignore it and it tends not to affect me.


Brett Jordan said...

• breathe
• if you can, deal with the cause of the stress
• keep your blood-sugar levels stable
• exercise regularly
• get plenty of sleep
• talk about it to people who will listen and help
• put it into perspective

your ever-luvvin' uncle brett

Anonymous said...

I just jump into the situation. no way to get over it until your in it, then its not so bad. kinda like 'Nam.

also, partying afterwards is always the best thing to do. especailly if you have3 another test the next day
