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Saturday, January 13, 2007

Worthless rubbish? - Friday

Today was spent doing one of three thigns. 1 - Playing Warcraft three (not much) 2 - Java (It now only needs the networking and it's done, I spent a lot of time looking for a networking tutorial and have yet to find a good one, I did of course completely forget to actually get the examples Ionnais gave us so I will try those tomorrow) 3 - Downloading cool stuff for my Mac Clearly only number 3 is going to be of real interest as besides telling you it doesn't look atrocious the Chess project is a bit naff in terms of blogging. Cool stuff for my Mac? Well, here is a list of some of the stuff I've gotten for it (all for free of course). Tilt Pong - I play it by tilting the laptop from side to side, who needs a mouse or keyboard when you have tilt sensors. For some reason I don't see myself playing this one a lot... Macsaber - I move the laptop around and it makes lightsaber noises Quartz Desktop - I already had something that played screensavers as a desktop background, now I have one that plays stuff that's half screen-saver half movie. Some of the effects are very nice. Of course, it's not a good plan if you're trying to concentrate and glowing stars of colour appear all over the place so I've not used it much Safari - Yeah, this comes with the Mac but I tried it and not only is it about 10 times faster than Firefox (and lets face it, you can never be too fast, on a computer like this one you really notice that extra second of load time) it also is much nicer for RSS feeds which I find myself using more and more. Specifically with RSS feeds it will display all of them and sort them by date. Oh, it can also pause downloads, automatically open Disk Images and even display Quartz Screensavers in it's window when I want to preview them before downloading! Time Lapse Screensaver - This one isn't even quartz, it uses the built in webcam to take pictures at given intervals and then plays them back, I plan sometime to leave it going and take a few hours of stuff so you can see what I do. The problem is that 1 - I am ugly, 2 - The light receptivity of the camera is not amazing and the pictures don't look that great. So, now you know what the interesting part of the day was taken up by. Still, I'm happy with today as the java is almost done and Chris told me that he'd done a load of the Digital too. This is good indeed.


Major Look said...

Maybe you could wear a mask when doing the timelapse screen saver, that would may sort it.

Only joking Teifion. Don't be afraid of your looks, let others be afraid!!

Brett Jordan said...

Listen to Mr Look Teifion... he speaks from a lifetime of people recoiling from his appearance :-)

your ever-luvvin' uncle brett