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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I can pick people up - Monday

Nice and early today, 1000 exam. It was easier than I thought, 45 multiple choice questions about a topic I know very well (HTML and web design). I'd not be surprised if I got 90% or more. After the exam I went to Tesco to get some food for the week and then got the bus home. During the rest of the day I did some WoA stuff and listened to loud music. I've also started trying to do pullups on door frames, I need stronger fingers. Anyway, the reason for today's title. I was talking to Lorna on MSN and told her I was afk for a moment. Here's the conversation. Lorna: What are you doing? Teifion: Finger pushups Lorna: What are they? Teifion: Push ups, but only on fingers Lorna: Why are you doing push ups? Teifion: To get stronger Lorna: Is it for the ladies? Teifion: Partly, it's also for actual strength Lorna: Why would you want strength? - (note the silly question) Teifion: So I can beat up drunks and pick up ladies, literally Lorna: You couldn't pick me up Lorna is very light and should have known better than to challange me like that. Suffice to say I can pick her up physically. The CU is having a football match against Southhampton CU in March or something and they need players. I've already volunteered but it looks like there won't be many subs. This is good and bad, good because it means I play more, bad because I'll be knackered by the end of it. Looks like I should start jogging places...

Useless Fact of the Day Email Roulette so far hasn't gottten me any replies, but I'm optimistic.


Anonymous said...

Finger pushups eh? How many? They are hard. Try making a fist and doing press ups on them too... strengthens your wrist. And also remember if you place your hands close togethor it works your arms more, further apart and you work your chest more.

Brett Jordan said...

Bet you couldn't pick me up :-)

Major Look said...

I would star tworrying more about football training rather than running practice. You will be required to kick the ball rather than just running backwards and forwards to it ;-)

I also reckon you couldn't pick Brett up... not sure if I could :-(

Teifion said...

I didn't know that about push ups, I'll keep it in mind.

Brett, I could pick you up, well, I will be able to when a little stronger :P

Brett Jordan said...

Hi Teifion... just in case you're not sure... i'm not saying i WANT to be picked up by you, either physically or metaphorically :-)

Anonymous said...

When you make a fist you should also roll your knucles so that you are being held up by only the first two on each hand. Consequently they are the biggest ones. It helps to strengthen them as well. Not to mention that when you punch someone it is with those two knuckles, not the whole fist. You may break your hand otherwise.

Anonymous said...

you remeber that discussion we had on picking up and proper picking up? try the proper one next and please warn me!!!!
PS you are well on the way of turning into greg ;)