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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I'm getting a list of tips - Wednessday

Again, got up nice and late. Oh I have a hard life. I spent all the time up until dinner programming some WoA stuff. It's good fun. I've also said that I will 'probably' be going to the Alpha Course. It's got free food so it should be good :) After dinner I played some more Time Splitters with Gareth. The difficulty of the levels rises very very fast and is a very good challange. I invited Gareth to the hall group and he decided to give it a go. The hall group was quite good, Gareth didn't talk much, but Sarah (Sarah that does Psychology and is engaged to Lawrence) and Helen have decided to make me a list of the top 10 tips for getting a girlfriend. The first two so far are • Don't mention the 'F' word. The 'F' word begins with 'F' and ends with 'at' • Bodily functions are not needed nor wanted I'll keep them in mind. Thank you for the advice. Again, a slow day. I'd post source code problems, but you would find that boring.

Random Fact of the Day Apparently I've become more sociable and friendlier since joining the CU


Major Look said...

If the F word begins with F and ends in AT, is it: