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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Sorry for the Lack of Updates - Wednesday

Monday was pretty boring, I also went to bed really late so didn't blog. Tuesday was much better, HP phoned me asking if I was still interested in the job at Bristol, I of course said yes. Huw came over and we sorted out a load of WoA stuff. I also played Warcraft 3 quite a lot. Today was the Prayer Lunch, specifically the one where I was bringing some food. Rather than a crate-load of Tunafish Sandwiches I opted to bring Parmiers. First I had to cook them. I cooked some last night and made some more this morning. Everybody was surprised that I had cooked something, and something so tasty at that. They were all eaten by the end of the lunch and I only had two of them. The rest of the day was spent with some work and some Warcraft 3.


Sammy Davies said...

Dude, does that mean you now have a job? Congrats if it does chummy.

In other news, we (Me john and Jonny) are just off to do an assembly on Santes Dwynwen (welsh valentine) where we will be acting out "Good Valentine, Bad Valentine." I shall play the part of the bad valentine and in teh instance when the godd valentine presents flowers i shall present a potatoe.

Could be beautiful...

Sammy Davies said...

oh, i ment to say, "as inspired by you."

I hope you got that anyway.

Anonymous said...

oooo are you going to bristol?
Bristol is great!!
*im not biased honest*

Teifion said...

I don't have the job yet, but it's getting more and more positive. As for the Potato, AWESOME!

Emz said...

"Erm, it's slightly round and I'd give it to a lady instead of a rose"

