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Monday, August 07, 2006

On time! - Week 7

Wow, it's been nearly two months since my holidays started, it certainly does not seem that way at all. Thursday consisted of lots of WoA web design. And not a lot else.... Friday was a lot more eventful, in the morning I got a visit from the Luke and Rosie the Jehova Witnesses again, in the evening there was a water fight where Vicky got really wet (and her Boyfriend just laughed at her). First things first, the Jehova witnesses. The point we argued was about Jesus. Christians such as myself believe he is God, Jehova Witnesses believe he was simply a man given power. My argument went something like this... Me: Can God do anything he wants? JW: Yes Me: Can we do anything we want? JW: Of course not, we're not gods Me: So, assuming God was a ruler and so were we, we'd be like a 30cm ruler and he'd be like an infinitely long ruler? JW: Ummm, yes... Me: And you say Jesus was a man? JW: A man given power by God Me: How much power? JW: The Bible doesn't say Me: What could he not do? JW: Ummm... Me: Well, assuming there was nothing he couldn't do, would it be safe to assume he had infinite power? JW: God gives Jesus power to do things, that doesn't make Jesus God Me: Well, if Jesus has infinite power, I fail to see how It sort of ended on that note, I have no doubt Luke and Rosie will have excellent answers for me next week. Friday evening involved a water fight with the Youth group, I started things off by pouring about a litre of water over Vicky, over the course of the day I and many other people, leaders included helped to contribute to that and I am happy to say that I feel I came off somewhat better. Saturday was WoA results as per usual, though very very hot. Sunday was somewhat more blog-worthy. I cycled to church as per usual, the service was a bit longer as there were more people bringing us news, we had a gentleman from Tearfund, some missionaries who I've never seen before, a Lady called Cath (who I have seen before) talking about a play they are putting on in 6th forms. Then, Sam came to give the message. He's talked before so nerves were not a problem, he started with a funny story, then, forgot to link back to it at the end. I didn't laugh at him too much about this. After the service I spent some time talking to the Simmons family, in the afternoon I talked to their eldest Daughter and was given a link to their website, then it hit me. I need stuff for my CV, some people need websites, how about I make websites for free? So I whipped together a website for them and used content from their site. It took me a whole afternoon which isn't bad considering this guy is able to charge £395 (though that includes things like hosting). I stuck it online and am awaiting feedback from them, best of all, it'll cost them nothing. So, here's my idea, if you've got some sort of a buissness or know of a small buissness that wants a free website, give them my address and I'll probably be able to furnish them with a free site in my free time. So far I've made my site and one for a guy called Paul Stockwell. The evening consisted of teasing some people, playing games and more WoA web design.


Anonymous said...

Get off the computer and have a wash